Register now with the Service Partner ID number 1133412 to join, and unlock a world of exciting opportunities!

Step-by-Step Guide to Joining Us

Visit and click on "Sign Up Now."

Fill out all required information, After reaching step 7, where it sends a code to your phone, click "Continue." This will take you to a screen that says, "View Opportunities." Exit there and click "Finish Registering."

The next page is very important. You will come to a screen that says "Register as a Sole Proprietor." Do not fill that portion out. Instead, look on the right side of the screen and click "Join a Service Partner." Click "Confirm," then fill out your info and proceed to the next screen.

The next screen will say "Service Partner ID #." Type in 1133412, then press search. You will see "KAREN CARRIAGES LLC." Click and press continue and respond to the email.

You will now need to be approved, so respond to this email, letting us know that you need approval. We will accept your request to join. After your request is accepted, you will sign your waivers. Respond to the email again, letting us know to finalize you. After being finalized, you will complete your assessment to see the jobs that are available.

Contact Form

An email will be sent to the owner